UCE-CT221L_V1.14 Released on 2024-04-30 Recent changes; * Added OPC (one probe comparison) Mode. With this mode, two boards can be compared by making consecutive measurements using only the CH-A channel. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.13 Released on 2023-11-20 Recent changes; * Added DC voltage measurement feature to Tracer menu. * Maximum voltage measurement is limited to the test voltage level (For example, voltage up to max 10V can be measured at the 10V level). * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.12 Released on 2023-09-22 Recent changes; * Improved the database test algorithm. * Improved the capacitance meter algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.11 Released on 2023-06-27 Recent changes; * Added Ohmmeter feature. * 5% accuracy if the resistor to be tested is <300K, * The buzzer sounds continuously if the resistor to be tested is < 0.8R * Improved the Measurement Calibration algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.10 Released on 2023-04-17 Recent changes; * Improved RLC value calculation algorithm. * Improved display of calculated values on the screen. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.09 Released on 2023-01-11 Recent changes; * Added measurement of Forward (Vf) and Zener (Vz) voltage of diodes. * Improved the Measurement Calibration algorithm. * Fixed a bug in the Measurement Calibration algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.08 Released on 2022-12-06 Recent changes; * Improved Capacitance meter algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.07 Released on 2022-08-23 Recent changes; * Added Series RLC Circuit Analysis with new measurement algorithm. * Display of R, L, C and Phase angle on the screen. * More stable comparison with new algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.06 Released on 2022-08-03 Recent changes; * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.05 Released on 2022-03-05 Recent changes; * Fixed a bug in offset algorithm. * Optimized the USB communication algorithm. UCE-CT221L_V1.04 Released on 2022-02-19 Recent changes; * Added 1V test voltage range * Removed Probe Calibration menu and added a more advanced Measurement Calibration menu. * Added Capacitance meter feature. * Changed Product Origin image. * Added Text file reading support. * Improved Capacitor and Resistor value calculation algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.03 Released on 2022-01-18 Recent changes; * Improved the USB communication algorithm. * Optimized Probe Calibration algorithm. * Added splash screen animation. * Added “Product Origin Information” button. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.02 Released on 2021-08-05 Recent changes; * Added Frequency scanning feature. * Improved the comparison algorithm. * Some optimizations. UCE-CT221L_V1.01 Released on 2021-06-14 Recent changes; * Fixed a bug Buzzer Enable algorithm. * Optimized the USB communication algorithm. * Added high voltage charged capacitor detection algorithm. * Fixed a bug in the short-circuit comparison. * Improved the comparison algorithm. * Some optimizations.